• 2 декабря 2011, пятница
  • Онлайн

Kazan Model United Nations Club's second meeting on Palestine question

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4523 дня назад
2 декабря 2011, начало в 18:00

KazMUN’s group! 

The next theme that would be debated on Friday,the 2nd of December, is:   
Is it possible to international community to recognize Palestine as a state? 

It will be the second meeting dedicated to this problem. 

We are waiting for the represantatives of the following countries that took part in debates on the 25th of November: 
-Great Britain 
-Saudi Arabia 
-The USA 

If you wish to take part in the debates, choose the country you want to represent and write about it here: 
Countries which were taken by participants for Debats on Friday, December 2 

You can also come as a free listener and acquaintain with the debates process, ask your questions or make some comments.   

This time we will debate about possible ways of solving this problem. We are waiting for your proposals! 

If you have got any questions, feel free to contact our organizers team! 

PLACE: KazMUN’s group! 

The next theme that would be debated on Friday,the 2nd of December, is:   
Is it possible to international community to recognise Palestine as a state? 

It will be the second meeting dedicated to this problem. 

We are waiting for the represantatives of the following countriesthat took part in debates on the 25th of November: 
-Great Britain 
-Saudi Arabia 
-The USA 

If you wish to take part in the debates, choose the country you want to represent and write about it here: 
Countries which were taken by participants for Debats on Friday, December 2 

You can also come as a free listener and acquaintain with the debates process, ask your questions or make some comments.   

This time we will debate about possible ways of solving this problem. We are waiting for your proposals! 

If you have got any questions, feel free to contact our organizers team! 

PLACE: Room # 348, KSU, Main Building  
TIME: 18.00 


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