• 25 ноября 2011, пятница
  • Онлайн

Kazan Model United Nations Club's great meeting!

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4530 дней назад
25 ноября 2011, начало в 18:00

Attention! Are you keen on politics, economics and business? Do you want to practice your English during hot debates and discussions? If so, you cannot miss the next meeting of KazMUN. 25th of November. 6 p.m. Main building of Kazan Federal University, auditorium 348. We’ll be waiting for you!

Kazan Model United Nations Club invites you to take part in our next meeting, which will be dedicated to the problem between Palestine and Israel.

Our game will be in discussion format, where the representatives of different countries will express their opinions and try to find the most appropriate resolution of the problem.

It is the greatest opportunity to you to feel all the atmosphere of UN conference and to expand your horizons in different spheres of knowledge!

You are welcome!


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